GE Silicone II Paintable Silicone Adhesive (2 oz.)

2 oz.

GE Silicone II Waterproof Paintable Adhesive (GE7000) is the recommended adhesive for installing MGA Yardage Inserts in the official Minnesota Golf Association permanent tee markers.

This 2 ounce container will accomodate the installation of approximately 36 yardage inserts when installed according the installation instructions available below.

A plastic application tool is provided along with the adhesive.

Product Resources

MSDS Sheet - GE7000 Silicone Adhesive Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
GE7000 Silicone II White - Waterproof Paintable Adhesive
PDF - 104 KB

MSDS Sheet - GE7000 Silicone Adhesive Installation Instructions
MGA Yardage Inserts
PDF - 1.28 MB

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